Road trip

I rode up to Flagstaff. with my mom we spent the night. I saw pine trees.  we stayed in a hotel, it was nice. and we saw Oak Creek Canyon, and then we drove up to Sedona. and then we drove home from Sedona.  


 I took some workshops at the 4th of July convention on zoom and it was a little different, for example there were no Jack and Jill’s and no routines and stuff like that. But it was fun there were dance parties afterwards and open dancing it was fun.

Family Christmas


This is my pretty Christmas tree!

My brother came in for Christmas from LA. We went Christmas shopping and made quiches together. Then we went to see Star Wars.

Stars Hollow wintery town.


We went to see Christmas lights on a house in the neighborhood.

Brothers in LA

The Brothers in LA

I’m here with my brother in LA

Here I am with my brother at LAX Airport getting ready to start my adventure in LA.

I sold enough dance shoes and produce bags (Thank you to all those who bought them) to pay for a plane ticket to visit my brother for my 20th Birthday! After meeting at the airport we went to a yummy breakfast at a dinerish place downtown, just like they do in all my favorite shows.

We went back to his place and played board games and had a Stranger Things Marathon! It was a perfect first day in LA. Check out our cool shirts!

He had it all arranged for us to get a tour the next day at the Warner Bros Studio for me to see all of my favorite TV show studios. What’s Up Doc?

Here we are at the Friends Studio! That’s the real Central Perk set that they used for the show. We got to sit on the Friends couch in the Central Perk set. It was awesome. They also had a coffee shop where we could get souvenirs, cupcakes, coffee, perks cups and other fun stuff. I had ice tea and bought Central Perk mints and a pin.

Gilmore Girls

This is Lukes Coffee Shop!

Here are some other spots on the tour of Gilmore Girls.

We saw Harry Potter’s glasses, and other cool sets and costumes.

Demolition Derby Time

He even planned to go see the Actual Fire Station From the Emergency 51 Show.

Dodger’s Fan!

What a great time. Thanks, Schuyler for making it an amazing trip and a memorable time with you.

A Day at the Arizona Science Center

On Friday we went to the Arizona Science Center. I tried to give Kaestle a tour but she had been there before. My favorite thing is the stomach. We went into the surgery room exhibit. And at the X-ray machine we saw the bones and muscles and tendons in your body and the heart. It’s a lot of fun. We went to the the house exhibit where you can lay on a nail bed.  There is a lot of cool stuff in it.

On the second floor we wrote our names in Morse Code and I got to kick a lot of robots in virtual reality. I also learned how to code in a Star Wars game.  In the Earth Science room we went on the stage when the weather was changing. It was really noisy noisy and hard to hear. The kids from on a field trip were really loud.  We went to the fourth floor with the trash can compactor, the bug bug exhibit and we listened to the phone and I tried to pedal electricity.

We had lunch, I got a gluten free pizza and a gluten free cake pop.  Then we went into the planetarium and learned about our planets, and the moon and our planets’ moons and Pluto.

I saw old cars as we left the building but we didn’t have time to go over there.

We had a great time.  You should go there.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Last weekend I saw a movie with my cousin Allen the movie was called Bohemian Rhapsondy and it was really good. You should go see it too. It has the song We Are The Champions

I really like that movie when I saw it the first time, and I saw it again a second time with my cousin. And I will go see if the third time with Kastle Olson she’s helping me with my website.

Fall Festival

I am working at Fall Festival. I will be there at the snow cone booth.

I will also be at the garden doing the food.


I worked at the Fall Festival helping kids make beaded keychains and serving food. It was a lot of fun.  I went on the zip line.